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Bath, Maine
August 16-20 and August 23-27, 2021
The Answers You Need
What is the daily schedule like?
Each day begins with a group class devoted to technical practice and theory. Students have time to practice as well as access to practice studios. Each student has a daily lesson scheduled. On Monday and Tuesday there are master classes where students can perform and receive additional instruction if they chose to and can learn from other’s work. Evening activities include a faculty concert and an evening of viewing historical videos as well as social opportunities for those who wish to participate.
Can you tell us more about the group class?
The group class is designed to deal with the fundamentals of cello playing, the things that apply at every level to every cello player. It is also intended to give every cellist an overview of the technical hurdles all along the way towards achieving mastery of cello technique. We all take part in basic technical exercises with participation scaled to account for different levels. We all learn from each other.
Does the fee include lodging or meals?
Students need to find their own accommodations and arrange their own meals. Neither are covered by the fees. Many options are available on Airbnb and other sites for lodging but it’s a good idea to try to book something asap as things do fill up as the dates approach. Students are encouraged to get meals together but are not required to. There are many, many wonderful restaurants in the area including numerous traditional Maine coastal seafood options but other fine restaurants and less expensive options as well.
What will be your covid protocols?
We will follow all CDC guidelines. All participants are strongly encouraged to come fully vaccinated. All of the staff will be vaccinated.  We will be doing as much as possible outside and hope to make the workshop itself abundantly safe. Maine has been doing amazingly well throughout the pandemic and still has an extremely low positivity rate and one of the highest vaccination rates. In Sagadahoc County where we will be the positivity rate is extremely low.

The Answers You Need
Where do the classes and lessons occur?
Most of our activities will occur at the Bath United Methodist Church which offers a terrific facility highly suited to our needs.
How much does the Workshop cost?
The cost for the workshop is $500. A $250 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot. All fees are due before the start of the workshop.
Is there a piano accompanist available and is that included in the fee?
Yes, and yes.
How can one get to the workshop?
The midcoast region is easily accessible in numerous ways. It’s less than an hour’s drive from Portland Maine and it’s International airport and just over 2 hours from Boston and it’s airport. There is an Amtrak train right to Brunswick.
The Answers You Need
Is a car necessary for participation in the workshop?
It’s probably a good idea. There is no public transportation on the gorgeous coastline but everything is easily accessible with a car.
More Questions?
If you have any additional questions feel free to email or to call him(917-273-9693) to discuss any questions you might have about the workshop (If we like your question it may end up here!)